Thursday, July 1, 2010


Watching Broccoli grow is more exciting than it sounds. This was my first time seeing broccoli in a garden and I had no idea what to expect.

I tried to start broccoli from seed, but it just was not meant to be. I don't know what the local nursery does to it's plants, but mine looked very pathetic. I planted my starts as well as the ones I got from Wallace's. The ones I planted produced pathetically as well.

Broccoli plants grow pretty large and then a small head of broccoli appears in the middle. Once it's big enough to cut, use a sharp knife to slice through the plant. It's really important to make a sharp even cut rather than to saw through it. This will help the plant to stay healthy. Once the stalk is cut off, smaller bunches of broccoli will grow on the sides of the leaves. I've been amazed at how long it keeps producing! I've been getting broccoli from the garden at least once a week for since May.

Also- cut first thing in the the morning for best flavor. Broccoli thrives in cold temps so the heat of the day can make it a little bitter. When the largest leaves start to turn from a blueish color to a greenish-yellow color I've been cutting them off. I don't know for sure if it makes the plant live longer, but that's what it looks like to me.

If you want enough broccoli to eat during the summer and to freeze for winter, plan on growing a lot. One broccoli plant easily takes up a square foot and will only produce one big head and numberous side shoots. I planted 6 plants and have only frozen maybe half a pound.

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